Sun Mineral Springs

The great health resort is located two miles south of Morrill, five miles east of Sabetha, four miles north of Fairview, and nine miles west of Hiawatha. Hot and cold mineral baths. The water from these noted medicinal springs cures rheumatism, scrofula, catarra, kidney, stomach and bladder diseases, blood and skin diseases, asthma, paralysis, dropsy. We warrant to cure or relieve any of the above diseases. The medicinal properties of these waters have been known for 35 years. Old Dr. Irwin, of Sabetha, analyzed the waters and found them strong in iron, magnesium, and epsom salts. The people have been using these waters for medicinal purposes since the settlement of Kansas. Our claims made for the healing and medicinal powers of the waters of the Sun Springs are made from experience.

The mineral plant contains ten mineral springs, each differently compounded. One sweet sulphur spring and one pure water spring. The springs are all artesian, the largest flowing at 130 gallons a minute. The park consists of 25 acres of beautiful camping ground. In the park is a large hall, and good seats for the accommodation of the people who come to picnic. A sanitarium was built at Sun Springs, which opened May 1, 1899. There is a ladies' bathroom separate with a lady attendant. Everything in connection with the sanitarium is new. Good rooms and beds: everything that is needful is furnished for the accommodation of the people. Terms $1 a day for board and room. Good livery teams and accommodating drivers will be found at the depots at Morrill, Sabetha, Salem and Fairview.

Source: Advertisement in the Sabetha Republican Herald, May 25th, 1899

Sun Mineral Springs genealogy research